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Thompson's Put Cancer In Cruise Control

Hey guys, its Trey here. I want to start off by continuing our thanks to every one of you. Your support has led us to the "happy place" that we are in now. On a medical stand-point I am two cycles of chemo-therapy down in which my body is responding to quite well so far (physically and mentally). Every two cycles (2 months) its time for a scan. After my scan this past Monday I met with my oncologist to go over the results. He compared my scan in April to the scan on Monday and we were able to see that the tumor is still the same size. The Dr. said in oncology this is a good thing to see. Since I have only been on chemo for 2 months he didn't expect any huge changes; the fact that it did not grow in two months is a positive sign. He is thinking that after my next visit with him he will be able to judge how much longer I will need to be on the chemo. I have been feeling a lot better as far as my neurological issues such as the dizziness and lightheadedness that were caused by inflammation. I have been on a steroid for this inflammation for almost 7 months and I am finally starting to taper off (steroids suck). Our family is very grateful for the news and we are going to keep fighting this thing until we get a clean scan. In the mean time I am just trying to stay as busy as possible with school, family, and my health to keep the thought of my cancer in the back somewhere.

"Nothing is worth more than this day. You cannot relive yesterday. Tomorrow is still beyond our reach".

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

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